Static variables

@:value(true)staticalwaysRedrawWindow:Bool = true

@:value(null)staticcurrent:Zui = null

@:value(true)staticdynamicGlyphLoad:Bool = true

@:value(true)statickeyRepeat:Bool = true

@:value(false)statictouchHold:Bool = false

@:value(false)statictouchScroll:Bool = false

@:value(false)statictouchTooltip:Bool = false

@:value(null)staticonBorderHover:(Handle, Int) ‑> Void = null

@:value(null)staticonDeselectText:() ‑> Void = null

@:value(null)staticonTextHover:() ‑> Void = null



@:value(false)alwaysRedraw:Bool = false

@:value(false)changed:Bool = false

@:value(true)enabled:Bool = true

@:value(true)highlightOnSelect:Bool = true

@:value(false)imageInvertY:Bool = false

@:value(true)inputEnabled:Bool = true

@:value(false)inputRegistered:Bool = false

@:value(0)inputWheelDelta:Int = 0

@:value(false)isADown:Bool = false

@:value(false)isAltDown:Bool = false

@:value(false)isBackspaceDown:Bool = false

@:value(false)isCtrlDown:Bool = false

@:value(false)isDeleteDown:Bool = false

@:value(false)isEscapeDown:Bool = false

@:value(false)isHovered:Bool = false

@:value(false)isKeyDown:Bool = false

@:value(false)isKeyPressed:Bool = false

@:value(false)isPushed:Bool = false

@:value(false)isReleased:Bool = false

@:value(false)isReturnDown:Bool = false

@:value(false)isScrolling:Bool = false

@:value(false)isShiftDown:Bool = false

@:value(false)isStarted:Bool = false

@:value(false)isTabDown:Bool = false

@:value(false)isTyping:Bool = false

@:value(null)key:Null<KeyCode> = null

@:value(true)scrollEnabled:Bool = true

@:value(true)tabSwitchEnabled:Bool = true

@:value(null)textColoring:TTextColoring = null

@:value(0)windowBorderBottom:Int = 0

@:value(0)windowBorderLeft:Int = 0

@:value(0)windowBorderRight:Int = 0

@:value(0)windowBorderTop:Int = 0







@:value({ label : "", align : Align.Center })button(text:String, align:Align = Align.Center, label:String = ""):Bool

@:value({ label : "" })check(handle:Handle, text:String, label:String = ""):Bool

@:value({ searchBar : true, align : Align.Left, showLabel : false, label : "" })combo(handle:Handle, texts:Array<String>, label:String = "", showLabel:Bool = false, align:Align = Align.Left, searchBar:Bool = true):Int

@:value({ last : true })end(last:Bool = true):Void

@:value({ last : true })endRegion(last:Bool = true):Void

@:value({ bindGlobalG : true })endWindow(bindGlobalG:Bool = true):Void

fill(x:Float, y:Float, w:Float, h:Float, color:Color):Void


Highlight all upcoming elements in the next row on a mouse-over event.

@:value({ sh : 0, sw : 0, sy : 0, sx : 0, h : null, tint : 0xffffffff })image(image:Image, tint:Int = 0xffffffff, ?h:Float, sx:Int = 0, sy:Int = 0, sw:Int = 0, sh:Int = 0):State

@:value({ bothSides : true })indent(bothSides:Bool = true):Void

onMouseDown(button:Int, x:Int, y:Int):Void

onMouseMove(x:Int, y:Int, movementX:Int, movementY:Int):Void

onMouseUp(button:Int, x:Int, y:Int):Void

onPenDown(x:Int, y:Int, pressure:Float):Void

onPenMove(x:Int, y:Int, pressure:Float):Void

onPenUp(x:Int, y:Int, pressure:Float):Void

@:value({ pack : true, filled : true, isTree : false })panel(handle:Handle, text:String, isTree:Bool = false, filled:Bool = true, pack:Bool = true):Bool

@:value({ label : "" })radio(handle:Handle, position:Int, text:String, label:String = ""):Bool

@:value({ strength : 1.0 })rect(x:Float, y:Float, w:Float, h:Float, color:Color, strength:Float = 1.0):Void

resize(handle:Handle, w:Int, h:Int):Void


Draw the upcoming elements in the same row. Negative values will be treated as absolute, positive values as ratio to window width.

@:value({ fill : true, h : 4 })separator(h:Int = 4, fill:Bool = true):Void

@:value({ textEdit : true, align : Align.Right, displayValue : true, precision : 100.0, filled : false, to : 1.0, from : 0.0 })slider(handle:Handle, text:String, from:Float = 0.0, to:Float = 1.0, filled:Bool = false, precision:Float = 100.0, displayValue:Bool = true, align:Align = Align.Right, textEdit:Bool = true):Float

@:value({ color : -1, vertical : false })tab(handle:Handle, text:String, vertical:Bool = false, color:Int = -1):Bool

@:value({ bg : 0x00000000, align : Align.Left })text(text:String, align:Align = Align.Left, bg:Int = 0x00000000):State

@:value({ liveUpdate : false, editable : true, align : Align.Left, label : "" })textInput(handle:Handle, label:String = "", align:Align = Align.Left, editable:Bool = true, liveUpdate:Bool = false):String

@:value({ maxWidth : null })tooltipImage(image:Image, ?maxWidth:Int):Void

@:value({ bothSides : true })unindent(bothSides:Bool = true):Void

@:value({ drag : false })window(handle:Handle, x:Int, y:Int, w:Int, h:Int, drag:Bool = false):Bool

windowDirty(handle:Handle, x:Int, y:Int, w:Int, h:Int):Bool