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extension | |
ActiveInfo | The WebGLActiveInfo interface is part of the WebGL API and represents the information returned by calling the |
Buffer | The WebGLBuffer interface is part of the WebGL API and represents an opaque buffer object storing data such as vertices or colors. |
ContextAttributes | |
Extension | |
Framebuffer | The WebGLFramebuffer interface is part of the WebGL API and represents a collection of buffers that serve as a rendering destination. |
PowerPreference | |
Program | The WebGLProgram is part of the WebGL API and is a combination of two compiled |
Query | The |
Renderbuffer | The WebGLRenderbuffer interface is part of the WebGL API and represents a buffer that can contain an image, or can be source or target of an rendering operation. |
RenderingContext | The |
Sampler | The |
Shader | The WebGLShader is part of the WebGL API and can either be a vertex or a fragment shader. A |
ShaderPrecisionFormat | The WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat interface is part of the WebGL API and represents the information returned by calling the |
Sync | The |
Texture | The WebGLTexture interface is part of the WebGL API and represents an opaque texture object providing storage and state for texturing operations. |
TransformFeedback | The |
UniformLocation | The WebGLUniformLocation interface is part of the WebGL API and represents the location of a uniform variable in a shader program. |
VertexArrayObject | The |
WebGL2RenderingContext | The WebGL2RenderingContext interface provides the OpenGL ES 3.0 rendering context for the drawing surface of an HTML |