.. | |
Angle | The SVGAngle interface is used to represent a value that can be an angle or number value. An SVGAngle reflected through the animVal attribute is always read only. |
AnimatedLength | The SVGAnimatedLength interface is used for attributes of basic type length which can be animated. |
AnimatedPreserveAspectRatio | The SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio interface is used for attributes of type SVGPreserveAspectRatio which can be animated. |
AnimatedRect | The SVGAnimatedRect interface is used for attributes of basic SVGRect which can be animated. |
AnimatedString | The SVGAnimatedString interface represents string attributes which can be animated from each SVG declaration. You need to create SVG attribute before doing anything else, everything should be declared inside this. |
AnimatedTransformList | The SVGAnimatedTransformList interface is used for attributes which take a list of numbers and which can be animated. |
BoundingBoxOptions | |
Element | All of the SVG DOM interfaces that correspond directly to elements in the SVG language derive from the SVGElement interface. |
GraphicsElement | The SVGGraphicsElement interface represents SVG elements whose primary purpose is to directly render graphics into a group. |
ImageElement | The SVGImageElement interface corresponds to the image element. |
Length | The SVGLength interface correspond to the length basic data type. |
Matrix | Many of SVG's graphics operations utilize 2x3 matrices of the form: |
Number | The SVGNumber interface corresponds to the number basic data type. |
Point | An SVGPoint represents a 2D or 3D point in the SVG coordinate system. |
PreserveAspectRatio | The SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface corresponds to the preserveAspectRatio attribute, which is available for some of SVG's elements. |
Rect | The SVGRect represents a rectangle. Rectangles consist of an x and y coordinate pair identifying a minimum x value, a minimum y value, and a width and height, which are constrained to be non-negative. |
SVGElement | The SVGSVGElement interface provides access to the properties of svg elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. This interface contains also various miscellaneous commonly-used utility methods, such as matrix operations and the ability to control the time of redraw on visual rendering devices. |
StringList | The SVGStringList defines a list of DOMString objects. |
Transform | SVGTransform is the interface for one of the component transformations within an SVGTransformList ; thus, an SVGTransform object corresponds to a single component (e.g., scale(…) or matrix(…) ) within a transform attribute.
TransformList | The SVGTransformList defines a list of SVGTransform objects. |